These are the members of parliamentary committee formed to probe involvement of unofficial personnel in budget formulation process

KATHMANDU, July 6: An 11-member parliamentary committee has been formed to probe involvement of unofficial personnel in the budget formulation process.

Earlier, the CPN-UML, main opposition party, had demanded a parliamentary probe accusing Finance Minister Sharma of including two unofficial personnel in the Budget formulation process.

The members are:

- Khajraj Adhikari

- Dev Gurung

-Pushpa Bushal

-Pradip Gwayali

-Bhanubhakta Dhakal

-Bimala BK

-Laxman Lal Karna

- Shakti Bahadur Basnet

-Sarala Kumari Yadav

-Sita Ram Mahato

-Surendra Prasad Yadav

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