Parliamentary team monitors isolation centre, Nepal Korea Friendship Hospital

Kathmandu - A sub-committee formed by Education and Health Committee under the Federal Parliament has monitored Kharipati-based isolation centre and Nepal Korea Friendship Hospital at Madhyapurthimi municipality. A team under the leadership of coordinator of sub-committee, Jeevanram Shrestha, on Thursday monitored the isolation constructed at the Nepal Electricity Authority complex at Changunarayan municipality-7.

Chief District Officer of Bhaktapur, Humkala Pandey, said that the sub-committee enquired about the condition of coronavirus infected people, hygiene, food and treatment. Coordinator Shrestha shared that they found all things being carried out in the Kharipati-based isolation centre as per the criteria determined by the government. Chief of Sahid Dharmabhakta National Transplant Centre Dr Premraj Gyawali requested the team to provide PCR machine to Bhaktapur hospital, as Bhaktapur is becoming hub for coronavirus.

Medical Superintendent of the hospital, Dr Sumitra Gautam, briefed the monitoring team about activities and management being carried out at the isolation. Dr Gautam urged the monitoring team to make arrangement of PCR machine as people have to wait for long to get PCR test report.

Similarly, the team also carried out monitoring of isolation, ICU with ventilator, lab prepared by Nepal Korea Friendship Hospital run by Madhyapurthimi municipality. On the occasion, Mayor of Madhyapurthimi municipality, Madan Sundar Shrestha, briefed the team about preparation being carried out to prevent coronavirus infection and treatment of infected people.

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