HoR reshuffles members of parliamentary committees

Kathmandu–Today's meeting of the House of Representatives has reshuffled members of various parliamentary committees. Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota made the changes in line with rule 172 of the HoR regulations.

Accordingly, Gokarna Raj Bista and Padam Giri are members of the Finance Committee under the Federal Parliament, Shiva Maya Tumbahangphe and Maya Devi Neupane members of the Industry, Commerce and Labour and Consumer Welfare Committee while Matrika Prasad Yadav and Ram Kumari Chaudhary are members of the Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee.

Likewise, Tham Maya Thapa is member of the Women and Social Committee, Lal Babu Pandit member of the State Management and Good Governance Committee, Bidya Bhattarai member of the Education and Health Committee and Chakrapani Khanal, Raghubir Mahaseth and Dhan Bahadur Buda members of the Public Account Committee. Likewise, the meeting agreed to the proposal by by Speaker Sapkota's to replace Rameshwor Raya Yadav, president of the Business Advisory Committee with Prabhu Sah.

In the meeting, the HoR secretary Gopal Nath Yogi presented a message received from the National Assembly relating to the Revenue Leakage (Investigation and Control) First Amendment Bill, 2075.

He also tabled the Nepal Engineering Council (First Amendment) Bill, 2076 and the Bill on the management of interrelation among federal, province and local levels, 2076 alongside a message received from the NA.

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