65% domestic violence among VAW

Lalitpur –  It was shared at a programme that domestic violence has made up 65 percent of the violence against women (VAW). 

A book, ‘Anweshi’, published by Women Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) with the compilation and analyses of one year data on VAW showed this status. The book was released on the occasion of the 16-day campaign against gender based violence that kicked off across the country yesterday. Both the numbers of VAW and of complaints increased last year. 

At the programme organized at the office of the National Human Rights Commission, NHRC Chairman Anup Raj Sharma said increase of women representatives at local level could help reduce the VAW cases. “VAW can be reduced with the initiative of women members from the very ward level,” he suggested. 

He informed that the NHRC was providing training to the office bearers of the legal committees. 
On the occasion, Additional Inspector General of Nepal Police, Thule Rai, informed that Nepal Police was devoted to curbing violation of women rights. “Nepal Police is ready to work in close coordination and collaboration with the local levels and rights defenders,” he added. 

Journalist Tanka Pant viewed that Nepali media has given priority to the VAW stories in recent years. 
Central member of WOREC Durga Karki said time has come to make the data on VAW more systematic for effective advocacy on women rights. 

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