Media urged to remove alcohol advertisement

KATHMANDU, March 13: The Advertisement Board has directed media houses to remove advertisements of alcohol immediately. 

Issuing a statement on Sunday, the Board has directed the media not to make any liquor-related advertisements. 

It may be noted that the Supreme Court on last February 23 directed the media not to publish advertisements of alcohol products. 

"The Board meeting held on March 10 had decided not to publish and disseminate alcohol advertisements from advertisement agencies, print, electronic, digital medium, and social networking sites. So, all the media are informed not to make any alcoholic advertisement from now onward", reads the statement. 

Sharing that advertisements on liquor products would not be allowed even on hoarding boards, the Advertisement Board has urged the local governments, advertisement providers, and ad agencies to remove such ads if any immediately. 

The Board has warned that those found publishing such advertisements would be booked as per the Advertisement (Regulation) Act, 2076, Public Health Service Act, 2075, and other prevailing laws.

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