Farmers throw green tea leaves on highway in protest

Pashupatinagar–Tea farmers have thrown green tea leaves to the Mechi Highway after reluctance from industrialists to purchase their tea produce.

Farmers resorted to pour out their tea products in front of the gate of Suryodaya municipality in protest on Sunday evening after the purchaser Ilam Tea Producers Pvt Ltd Panchakanya returned over 500-kg green teal leaves citing its sub-standards.

Earlier, the municipality had stipulated minimum price of tea leaves at Rs 40 per kg by enforcing a work procedure on price determination of tea in 2019.

The tea industrialists had shut down their factories since June 28 saying they could not purchase tea leaves at municipality-fixed price due to sub-standard quality products this season.

It was agreed among the representatives of the municipality, business association, industrialists and farmers to resume the operation of industries.

As many as 52 tea factories affiliated to Suryodaya Tea Producers Association were closed down at once.

According to the agreement, the tea products would be purchased at the municipality-fixed rate and a high-level committee will be formed to resolve the problems of tea in a long-term manner.

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