465 private schools give scholarships to 13 thousand students in Kathmandu

KATHMANDU, June 20: 465 private schools within Kathmandu Metropolitan City have provided different kinds of scholarships to more than 13 thousand students. Out of 504 private schools in the Metropolitan, 465 schools have submitted the details of the scholarships. 

The details of the scholarships were submitted for the first time in the history of the Metropolitan City. The Metropolitan City will publish the list after monitoring and inspecting the submitted details.

Schools that have not submitted the details have been fined up to 100,000 rupees. The schools were given one more chance to submit the details after being fined according to the Kathmandu Metropolitan City Mayor Balen Shah.

Permissions or approvals granted to the schools will be withdrawn in accordance with Sub-section 4 of Section 57 of the Kathmandu Metropolitan City Education Act, 2075 if the details are not submitted, the Mayor informed.

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