Defendants to begin debate on House dissolution case from today

KATHMANDU, June 28: The defendants’ lawyers and government attorneys are scheduled to begin their debate on the House dissolution case which is being heard by the constitutional bench. 

Government attorneys and legal practitioners representing the prime minister and the president  will try to defend the House dissolution move, which has been, however, challenged by 26 writ petitioners. 

The lower house of parliament was dissolved on May 22 by President Bidya Devi Bhandari upon the recommendation of the KP Sharma Oli-led Cabinet. 

Legal practitioners on behalf of the writ petitioners finished their debates on Sunday. 

The five-member constitutional bench allocated 15 hours each to both the sides --- petitioners and defendants. Petitioners now have three hours left for a reply debate. 

Once the debate by defendants is over, Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota’s legal practitioners will present their arguments in the allotted one hour 

Plaintiffs will again present their reply which is then followed by the opinion to be presented by the amicus curiae.

The bench comprising the justices Dipak Kumar Karki, Mira Khadka, Ishwar Prasad Khatiwada and Dr Aanad Mohan Bhattarai along with Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher JBR will pass the final verdict once it receives amicus curiae’ s opinion on the case. 

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