KP Oli: This government needs to be overthrown anyhow

KATHMANDU, Sep 24: CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli has said that the government led by Maoist Chairman Prachanda should be removed at any cost.

Speaking at the program organised at the inauguration of the Guru Luitel Memorial Park in Rampur, Okhaldhunga, former Prime Minister Oli says that the government have not achieved a single thing in nine months.

"You think this current government should keep standing? Should this kind of government exist? There has come a situation where this government should be overthrown by any means by us Nepalese people," says Oli, "This incompetent government. It doesn't care about people, it cares about gold."

"Case of Brake shoe? Gold. Case of (electric) cigarette? Gold. What about water pump machines? Gold. Even the imported apples are about gold," he adds.

Former Prime Minister Oli has also accused the government of encouraging corruption, poor governance and violence.

"The government has increased corruption, smuggling and violence. There is a curfew in Malangwa. There are attempts to incite violence but the government is just watching and doing nothing," says Chairman Oli.

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