Campaign underway to raise funds to save tenth – grader

Ilam - A campaign is underway to raise funds for the treatment of a tenth - grader from Deumai municipality – 8 who is suffering from lung cancer.
18 – year – old Sanam Pulami Magar comes from poverty – stricken family and is a patient of heart and lungs. Up until now, Rs 10,000 has been collected in donation from Ilam and Suryoyada municipalities, which is scant considering his health conditions.
Sushant Chapagain, a neighbour, says it will take one million rupees at the least for Sanam's treatment. This has prompted his well wishers and family members to launch the 'Sanam Pulami Magar Save Campaign'.
The family has already spent Rs 400,000 for surgical operations. Sanam is undergoing treatment at the Bharatpur Cancer Hospital.
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