Bedkot Municipality budget over Rs 450 million

Kanchanpur - The Bedkot Municipality's first town assembly has passed a budget of Rs 455 million 544 thousand for the fiscal year 2017/18.
Along with the budget, the town assembly has also passed the municipality's policy and programme for the current fiscal year.
Out of the total budgetary allocation, the municipality has estimated Rs 250.9 million under the financial matching of the federal government, Rs 99.3 million under the conditional loan of the federal government and Rs 8 million income from internal sources.
The town assembly has estimated Rs 80 million for the social security. Likewise, the capital expenditure of the municipality has been estimated at Rs 191.065 million while the current expenditure is projected at Rs 55 million. Similarly, Rs 33 million has been set aside for the projects proposed and passed by the municipality wards.
All the municipality wards have been allocated Rs 3.2 million each while Rs 700 thousand has been allocated for the process of providing land-ownership certificates to the unorganized settlers.
Mayor Ashok Kumar Chand said major budget has been allocated for social security, agriculture, forest, health, women and children, matching fund, uplift of the impoverished communities, road gravelling and development of cultural sectors, among others.
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