Obstruction in disposal of Kathmandu's garbage removed pro-tem

Nuwakot - The obstruction by the locals of Okharpauwa in disposing of the solid waste generated in the Kathmandu Valley has been removed for the time-being.
The Okharpauwa locals had obstructed the dumping of waste at the Okharpauwa landfill site since Wednesday, citing unsound waste management at their locality.
The locals agreed to remove the obstruction until Sunday following discussions between the Kathmandu Metropolitan City mayor and the people's representatives from the most-affected areas in Dhading and Nuwakot, Chandra Bahadur Balami, Chairman of the Kakani Rural Municipality Ward No. 1, said.
The Ward chairs of Kakani Rural Municipality Ward No. 1, 2 and 3 in Nuwakot district and the Dhunibesi Municipality Ward No. 1 and 3 in Dhading district met with the KMC mayor Bidya Sundar Shakya and urged the mayor to be serious towards proper management of the waste at the dumping site. To this request from local people's representatives, the KMC mayor expressed his commitment to immediately address the issue.
Following discussion with the KMC mayor and his commitment, the local people's representatives reported the mayor's commitment to the locals of Okharpauwa and the landfill site-affected areas. Then, the locals agreed to allow the disposal of solid waste until Sunday.
Ward chairman of Kakani Rural Municipality Ward No. 3, Ghananath Bajgain said they agreed to remove the obstruction after the Kathmandu mayor pledged for the proper management of the waste at the dumping site and he would make an onsite supervision of the same on Sunday.
The locals had been demanding that some precautions should be taken to prevent odour from spreading, like covering the dumping site with mud after waste disposal and sprinkling medicines to kill germs for checking the spread of diseases at the dumping site.
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