Eleven truckload of tea stopped at Indian border point

Kakarvitta, Jhapa –Tea export from Nepal to India from the Kakarvitta transit has stopped since the past one week. 

It has stalled after the Indian side created hassles over the quarantine of tea. Presently, 11 truckloads of tea had had already passed the customs clearance remain stranded at the Indian customs in Panitanki, according to Tea Expansion Project Chief, Fikkal, Indra Bahadur Adhikari. 

The tea exported from Nepal has already received license of export from the Central Food Laboratory based in Kolkata. "Unnecessary hassles has created problems in the export of Nepali tea and it has affected both the tea farmers and entrepreneurs," Adhikari said. 

The 11 trucks are carrying more than 17,000 kilograms of tea and it is likely to deteriorate in its quality in the open, tea entrepreneur Roshan Agrawal said. "It would amount to huge loss," he warned.


The Indian customs is reportedly asking for permit for every truck load separately, which is full of hassles and costly too. 

Tea meant to be exported to the third countries too have been stopped at the Indian border points, traders have said. 

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