Land pulling without prior notice draws concerns

Khotang - Landowners of Khalle have voiced concern over the Nepal Civil Aviation Authority's act of pulling their land without informing them in prior.
Local landowners raised their voice before the Khotang District Administration Office after knowing that the Authority occupied their private land in the surround of the Manmaya Rai Khanidanda Airport without serving any prior notice.
The victims drew attention of the administration that the land owned by Shiva Khatri, Bhiman Rai, Sampurna Rai, Ganga Rai and Pradeep Rai at Rupakot Majhuwagadhi municipality-4, Khalle around Khanidanda airport was pulled without any information to the owners.
Landowner Shiva Khatri said that their land was passed in the name of Civil Aviation without any information to the owners. "We had donated the land for the construction of the airport", he said, adding, "Why the land was occupied without prior notice if they need more for the airport construction purpose?'
He further complained, "How they can transfer the ownership of the land without our consent? A big injustice has been done against us. We demand strong action such rampant activates".
The land registration pass was found in the name of the Authority on July 9 as per the record of District Land Revenue Office.
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