Maoist Center commemorates People’s War (photos)

Kathmandu, February 13 — The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center), the initiator of the People's War, has been commemorating Falgun 1 in the Nepali calendar as People’s War Day every year.

On this occasion, the party organized a special program at its central office on Thursday.

The people’s war, which began on Magh 1, 2052 B.S. (February 13, 1996), transitioned into a comprehensive peace agreement on Mangsir 5, 2063 B.S. (November 21, 2006).

It was on the foundation of this People's War that political change became possible in Nepal, leading to the establishment of a republic, federal system, inclusive democracy, and social justice, all of which were achieved through the strength of the people’s war and movements.


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