Cooperative victims hold counter-protest against Rabi Lamichhane in Pokhara

Pokhara, September 23 — As leaders and supporters of the Rashtriya Swotantra Party (RSP) began protesting in support of president Rabi Lamichhane, victims of the Surya Darshan Cooperative also took to the streets in Pokhara. RSP is demonstrating in front of the District Administration Office at Shahid Chowk, where the cooperative victims are also present, chanting slogans.

The victims have accused the protesters of being anti-victim instead of supporting their plight. “This isn’t just about Rabi or any particular individual; it has turned into a party issue,” said Kiran Shrestha, coordinator of the struggle committee. “We are demanding justice. They have taken to the streets against justice, leaving us no choice but to defend ourselves.”

The victims are calling for the arrest of Rabi Lamichhane, who is accused by them of embezzling cooperative funds through Gorkha Media. They have staged a protest in front of the administration office gate. While the victims demand Lamichhane’s arrest, his supporters have warned that he should not be arrested under any circumstances.

Rajan Gautam, president of RSP Gandaki, stated that they stand in support of the victims. Addressing the activists, he said, “We are here to oppose the fascist government. We have not come to add to their suffering; we are united for their justice.”

The victims are protesting at Shahid Chowk, demanding justice. Previously, they also protested during an event attended by Rabi Lamichhane, displaying black flags to express their opposition.

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