St. Xavier’s College hosts news writing workshop with international journalists

Kathmandu, July 4: St. Xavier’s College concluded a two-day news writing workshop with international journalists on Monday. Podcast production, writing press releases, and reporting for international media outlets were the focus of the event for first-year students. Veteran Canadian journalist Marty Logan and The New York Times reporter Bhadra Sharma were the mentors. 

While Logan taught students the basics of podcast production and press release writing, Sharma instructed them on pitch writing for media outlets. 

“The college is committed to helping students rise to the best of their talents and interest with the appropriate resources,” said Father Principal of St. Xavier’s College Dr. Augustine Thomas S.J. “I congratulate the Department of Major Arts for constantly addressing the intellectual and professional needs of the students. ”


Faculty Lead of Journalism Chun Bahadur Gurung stated, “We at St. Xavier's College have been working hard to enhance the quality of media education, providing students with hands-on learning opportunities, and the news writing workshop is one of our regular activities. We find it very effective.” 

Senior batch students also shared their experiences as working journalists for various national media outlets, including The Kathmandu Post, Nepali Times, Setopati, Annapurna Express, and Nepal News. 

All 18 students participating in the workshop were awarded certificates at the closing ceremony.

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