Two persons were killed when a tipper hit a motorcycle near Adarsha Chowk of Bhaktapur district early this morning. The deceased have been identified as Nischal Chauguthi, 19, of Bhaktapur municipality-2, Byasi, while the identify of another deceased is yet to be ascertained, said Information Officer of the District Police Range, Bhaktapur, Deputy Superintendent of Police Raju Pandey.
The accident took place around 2:00 am when the tipper (Ba 4 Kha 5298) heading towards Suryabinayak Chowk from Jagati hit the motorcycle (Ba 79 Pa 7876) coming from opposite direction. Both the injured died while undergoing treatment at Bhaktapur Hospital. Police have arrested the tipper driver Dhan Bahadur Thokar, 35, of Melung rural municipality-3 in Dolakha district.
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