Signature collection campaign seeking justice for Dhami

KANCHANPUR, August 22: A total of 9,500 signatures have been collected in Sudur Paschim province seeking justice for Jaisingh Dhami of Darchula, who went missing while crossing the Mahakali river. He fell into the river after the twin (wire-rope crossing) was allegedly cut off by the Indian Seema Surakshya Bal personnel.

The signatures were collected in Dadeldhura, Kanchanpur, Kailali and Darchula, said Khimananda Joshi, Sudur Paschim province chair of Jarokilo Party.

"We have launched a signature campaign demanding a search for the body of Dhami, investigate the incident and provide compensation to the family," he said. "We will hand over the collected signatures to the Prime Minister."

The body of Dhami, who is feared to have drowned, is yet to be found. A search carried out with the help of drone cameras did not yield any result.

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