Increasing dengue cases spreads fear

Gaushala - Rapid spread of dengue in Bardibas of Mahottari district has created fear among the locals. 

Dengue was seen in five people in Bardibas just two days back and it has infected 39 people as of Tuesday, according to the District Public Health Office sources. 

Thirty nine people who had come to the Bardibas Hospital and local private clinics for laboratory tests as of Tuesday, all tested positive for dengue, it is stated. 

Dr. Nagendra Yadav, chief of the Mahottari District Health Office, said that among the infected, only 26 are from Bardibas and the remaining are from Dhanusha and Sindhuli districts.
He said a medical team has been deployed from Tuesday alone and a programme for disease control and treatment started in Bardibas. All of the people who tested positive for dengue have been suggested to go to the Epidemiology and Disease Control Division at Teku, Kathmandu for treatment. 

Dr. Yadav said an emergency meeting would be held with the locals, the Bardibas municipality mayor and the related authorities for undertaking disease prevention and control measures such as spraying insecticide and public awareness programme. 

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