Agro cold store construction

Dang - Farmers of the Rapti rural municipality do not need to roam in markets for the sale of their agro products and purchase of seeds, fertilizers and agriculture inputs. 

The farmers' woes have come to an end for the sale and purchase of agro items after the construction of cold store with the financial support from the Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project Super Zone. 

The cold store was constructed with the financial assistance of Rs 2.64 from the PM Agriculture Modernization Project Super Zone and people's mobilization worth amounting to Rs 478,000. 

Super Zone Lalmatiya Chairperson Hukum Bahadur Basnet shared that the newly constructed cold store would help store, sell and preserve agro products and seeds, provide seeds to the needy farmers, distribute agriculture inputs in subsidized rates and offer technical services to farmers when necessary.

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