Cabinet expansion immediately unlikely

KATHMANDU, Aug 16: Nepali Congress (NC) President Sher Bahadur Deuba was appointed the prime minister succeeding CPN-UML’s KP Sharma Oli on July 13

A month has already passed since Deuba took helm of the government following the Supreme Court’s mandamus on July 12. Five days after he assumed his office and won the House’s confidence with 165 votes in the 275-strong lower House of parliament. 

The Deuba-led Cabinet has six members including four ministers --- two from the Nepali Congress (NC) and the CPN (Maoist Center) each --- and a minister of state from the NC. 

Deuba, backed by the Maoist Center, Janata Samajbadi Party, CPN-UML’s Madhav Nepal faction and Rastriya Janamorcha during the voting on trust motion, seems to have given least priority to Cabinet expansion. The ruling parties have failed to continue their talks regarding this issue since August 8.

Ruling parties are now busy holding their internal meetings. PM Deuba was busy attending NC’s Central Committee meeting from Thursday to Saturday last week. 

The leaders of the Maoist Center were also engaged in the party’s CC meeting on Saturday and Sunday. 

JSP, another important member of the alliance, is also holding its CC meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, meaning Cabinet expansion is still a least priority for the alliance. 

JSP Chairperson Upendra Yadav also said that expansion of the Cabinet is not possible immediately unless they hold their party’s CC meeting. 

Ramesh Lekhak, a Congress leader, said that Cabinet will get its complete shape in four days. According to him, Cabinet expansion is lagging as it is the coalition government. 

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