Nepal's gradation from LDC rank possible by 2022

Kathmandu - Nepal's gradation from the least developed countries into the ranks of developed countries by 2022 does not seem a far cry.
At the National Consultation Seminar held by Least Developed Countries (LDC) Watch, National Planning Commission's Joint Secretary, Lal Shankar Ghimire, stressed on the fact.
The Joint Secretary noted that the commission in its 13th periodic plan has set a goal of upgrading Nepal from the LDC group by 2022, a step forward from its previous objective set in its 12th periodic plan of upgrading Nepal by 2030.
Ghimire was of the opinion that realization of the goal entailed renewed stress on tackling corruption, upholding good governance and bringing political stability for extensive growth and social development.
LDC Watch's International Coordinator, Gauri Pradhan, spoke of the possibility of Nepal climbing to the ranks of developed countries between the period of 2017 and 2024, and underlined the need for positive socio-economic development.
On the occasion, the civil society organizations endorsed a 12 – point Kathmandu Declaration Paper.
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