Temporary teachers resume hunger strike

Kathmandu - Bara-based teacher Rajesh Ram, appointed on the temporary basis, has been in the capital since a couple of days amidst the preparations for the Teacher Service Commission examinations for permanent competition to join his peers with the demand for a fresh amendment to the Education Act before the exam. 

Around 2,500 temporary teachers have gathered in Kathmandu to pile pressure on the government to first guarantee their job security and announce new examinations schedule. 

They have accused the Ministry of Education of not going with a process to amend the Act as per the four-point agreement reached between the two sides on June 23. 

However, Commission administrative chief Dr Laxmi Raj Poudel said official preparations for the August 19 examinations are underway and the open competition will be announced after that. 

Temporary Teachers' Struggle Committee's senior vice chair Surendra Adhikari, accusing the Ministry of cheating on them, said they have resumed their fast-onto-death in Bhadrakali from today. 

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