Over four thousand traders face music in a year

Kathmandu - Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology, regional office Balaju has taken action against 4,229 traders in one year's period for cheating customers in weight and measures, and in petroleum products. 

The office took action against this many traders in the fiscal year 2016/17 finding them guilty of cheating while selling curd and milk, of not taking operation license in time, of using stones for weighing purposes instead of the standard weights and of failing to get their weights and measures checked, among others. 

Office chief Sashibhusan Kumar Yadav said of the traders against who action has been taken, cases have been filed against 22 in the court. 

The office also collected revenue Rs 11.748 million in fees for issuing license to new businesspersons and renewal of the old licenses, and from fines imposed on the traders facing action. The office collected revenue Rs 8.3 million in fiscal year 2015/16. 

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