Province 2 government unveils 100-day action plan



Janakpurdham –Chief Minister of Province 2, Lalbabu Raut, today unveiled the government's 100-day action plan which aims to lead the province towards prosperity. 
Creation of an investment-friendly atmosphere, formulation of laws and policies capable of encouraging investors, establishment of a province-level investment board, facilitating the process from the government level to acquire land by investors for declaring a special economic zone in every eight districts in the province and an end to practice of strike and shutdown in the economic zone have been promised in the action plan. 

Likewise, the document further states that the province will be developed into a green zone by promoting organic farming and fishery, cold storage facilities will be there for agriculture products, measures will be taken to modernize the existing agriculture system and irrigation facility will be guaranteed through the implementation of small and shallow tube well irrigation programmes. Besides, conservation of Chure region, market management, promotion of use of organic fertilizer and establishment of vegetables processing centers at easily accessible locations have been incorporated in the plan. 

The province 2 government through the action plan has vowed to establish a separate monitoring mechanism under the Chief Minister's supervision to make public procurement system transparent and accountable to the public and to control corruption. 
Implementation of "save the girls campaign", "send the girls to school campaign", elimination of dowry system and child marriage and formulation of laws against witchcraft and untouchability, special education programmes for Dum, Chamar, Dusadh and Musahar communities, establishment of women security desk, proper management and promotion of touristic areas and implementation of chief minister road project are included in the plan. --- 

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