Nepal stresses on expanding economic linkages

Kathmandu, Septmber 18 — Nepal and Bangladesh have underlined the need to share experiences and best practices for a smooth, sustainable, and irreversible graduation as both the nations are graduating from the LDC category in 2026. 

In a courtesy call on Chief Adviser of the Interim Government of Bangladesh Muhammad Yunus at the latter’s office in Dhaka on Tuesday afternoon, Ambassador to Bangladesh Ghanshyam Bhandari stressed the need to unlock potentials in areas of trade, transit, and connectivity for economic development, according to the Dhaka-based Nepali Embassy. 

During the meeting, the discussions were held on ways to further consolidate Nepal-Bangladesh relations with a renewed focus on economic linkages.

On the occasion, Bhandari laid emphasis on energy cooperation as a ‘win-win enterprise’ between Nepal and Bangladesh. Early commencement of the export of 40-MW hydroelectricity from Nepal to Bangladesh through the Indian transmission lines will be a transformative step in enhancing energy cooperation at the sub-regional level, he said. 

He also expressed happiness over the increasing people-to-people contacts, educational linkages, and tourism exchanges between the two countries. 

The Chief Adviser emphasized the benefits of tapping the hydropower potential with a particular focus on its contributions towards achieving net zero emission scenario. He also stressed the early realization of this mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries. 

The Ambassador thanked the Bangladesh government for support and cooperation received in matters related to safety and security of Nepali nationals, particularly Nepali students, during and after the recent protests, and expressed hope that this support would continue in the future as well.

Discussions were also held on Nepal-Bangladesh cooperation at the regional and international forums. They underscored the significance of revitalizing regional processes such as SAARC and BIMSTEC. 

Ambassador Bhandari congratulated the Chief Adviser on his appointment and handed over to him the letter of felicitations from the Prime Minister of Nepal K P Sharma Oli.

Referring to the Prime Minister’s letter and the press statement issued on 7 August 2024 by the Government of Nepal, the Ambassador reiterated the solidarity of the Government and people of Nepal with the Government and people of Bangladesh as the latter try to navigate through the current transitional period. 

The Chief Adviser appreciated the expression of support and solidarity from Nepal and observed with satisfaction that the two countries continue to enjoy close and cordial relations both at the political and people-to-people levels.   

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