Madi reels under disruption of power supply

Ratnanagar (Chitwan) - The Madi area located at the southern tip of Chitwan district has been without electric power supply for the past five days after a breakdown of the underground electric line. 

The electric power supply was severed on July 18 after a problem emerged in the underground wire beneath the Chitwan National Park (CNP). The power line was set up only a few months ago. The locals complain that the construction company has not shown any interest in repairing the power line. 

The power line has seven joints beneath the surface. Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), Bharatpur Distribution Centre's engineer Rajendra Poudel says they found the line to have burned down black in two joints and that they could not repair it as the project is yet to be handed over. 

"The local consumers have been blaming us, they ask us to come and check it, but until the project is handed over we cannot repair it," he said. 

Only recently, the Madi area had suffered disruption of power supply. The power supply at the area had been cut off on June 19 after a breakdown in the underground power line. The electric power supply was restored only two weeks ago after which another problem surfaced within a month. The power supply had been restored after bringing into service a cable fault finding machine which was brought from India. 

Local resident, Govinda Neupane, said the sporadic disruption in power supply has been a nuisance. 

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