New government formed to bring changes in the country: PM Oli


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Kathmandu. Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has stated that the formation of a new government is necessary to bring change to the country. During a discussion with representatives of the Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Friday morning, Oli argued that he had already become the Prime Minister before and was not coming back just to assume the role again.

"I have not come just to become the Prime Minister of the country. I have come to see the problems, to solve them, to bring change, and to work," said Oli.

The Prime Minister requested support and cooperation from the business community, stating that the government needs the private sector's assistance. He emphasized that issues related to taxes should not be handled with favoritism and that the private sector should oppose incorrect policies when they arise. Oli stressed the need for a dynamic economy and indicated that monetary policy should not be excessively stringent.

Congratulating the Prime Minister and extending best wishes on behalf of the Chamber, Chairman Rajesh Kumar Agarwal said that the government should not falter in revitalizing the sluggish economy over the past three years. He pointed out that while the external sector was showing encouraging signs, the internal economy remained problematic, emphasizing the need to boost the morale of the private sector.

Chairman Agarwal noted that previous contractionary monetary policies had led to a reduction in overall market demand and a stagnation of the economy.

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