RSP meeting held, president Lamichhane admits mistakes


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Kathmandu. Ravi Lamichhane, chairman of Rashtriya Swatantra Party (RSP), who held the discussion only the day before the announcement of the monetary policy, has accepted the mistake. Nepal Rastra Bank is preparing to announce the monetary policy of the current fiscal year on Friday. 

However, Chairman Lamichhane said that the discussion and interaction program was held only on Thursday afternoon regarding the monetary policy of the fiscal year 2081/82. It is acceptable. 

The discussion on monetary policy was delayed due to the government's preparation for the policy and political activities, said Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) President Rabi Lamichhane.

Speaking at a program organized by the party's central committee on Thursday, Lamichhane said, "I have information that the government has prepared the monetary policy for tomorrow itself. This has delayed our discussion a bit. Political activities and events also played a role in this. We had made preparations for such a discussion program a long time ago. However, it was a good discussion even though it was delayed," said President Lamichhane.

"However, the Rastriya Swatantra Party has started organizing discussions and interactions on such public issues in open forums instead of closed rooms since last year," he said.

Stating that the general public is interested in important issues of the country, President Lamichhane said that there should be public discussion and interaction on the essence and subject matter of such issues.

He said that although there was discussion on the principles and priorities of the budget in advance this time, there was not enough discussion on the policies and programs and the budget. Stating that discussions are usually held for discussion after the budget is made and made public, President Lamichhane argued that they are still going the other way.

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