Doti's Thuli Gad river flooded beyond danger level, and other 6 rivers also flooding high


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Kathmandu - Due to incessant rains, the high flow of water in the Thuli Gad River in Doti, under the Karnali basin, has crossed the danger level. According to the flood forecasting branch of the Department of Water and Meteorology, the flood in the Thuli Gad River crossed the danger level on Sunday morning.

The water level rose to 8.76 meters at 11:00 am on Sunday, surpassing the danger level of 5.5 meters.

Similarly, the Mahakali River has crossed the danger level in Dadeldhura. The flood level in Chitwan's Narayanghat and Devghat areas has also reached the danger level. Additionally, in Province 1, in the Koshi River Basin, the Arun, Tamor, and Old Chatra areas have seen the Saptakoshi River floods exceed the danger level.

According to data as of 11:00 am, the Department of Water and Meteorology has reported heavy rain in Kanchanpur, Kailali, Bardia, Palpa, Syangja, and other districts.

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