Electricity crisis deepens in Ukraine


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After Russia's attack on a power station in northwestern Ukraine, 100,000 people have been left without electricity. The attack caused a complete power outage in the entire area bordering Russia.

Ukrainergo, the national grid operator, is working to restore electricity production. There were no reported injuries or deaths from the attack. Russia has continued to target power plants across Ukraine. The interrupted electricity supply has forced people to live without water and air conditioning in the intense heat.

Ukraine has lost 9 gigawatts of electricity generation capacity in the last three months alone due to Russia's attacks on thermal power plants. Hydropower plants are also under constant threat from drone and missile attacks.

To lessen the impact of the Russian attacks, neighboring country POLYAD is sending excess electricity to Ukraine. However, load shedding is still necessary throughout the day because domestic production and imported electricity cannot meet the current demand.

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