Madhesh CM Satish Singh taking trust vote on July 5


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Birganj: Madhesh Chief Minister Satish Singh has prepared to take the vote of confidence on July 5. The Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers has said that Chief Minister Singh is preparing to take the vote of confidence on July 5. He said, "We planned to take the vote of confidence earlier, but the ruling party of the Unified Socialist Party is having its convention right now. The parliamentarians of that party have requested not to take the vote of confidence before July 5th, so we have prepared to take the vote of confidence on the 5th in consideration of their request."

According to Article 168 (4) of the Constitution, the chief minister needs to take the vote of confidence within 30 days of the appointment.  After the then Chief Minister Saroj Yadav did not get a majority from the House, Chief Minister Singh was appointed by the province governor with the support of the majority of MPs. Chief Minister Singh needs the support of 54 province parliamentarians to save the government.

Chief Minister Singh had submitted a claim with the support of 55 parliamentarians. 

At that time, the Chief Minister Singh submitted the signed letter with the support of UML, Maoist, Janamat, Unified Socialist, RPP and Federal Socialist Party, Nepal to the office of the provincial head. According to this calculations, it is certain that Chief Minister Singh's government will get a vote of confidence. There are 24 MPs from UML, nine from Maoists, 13 from Janmaat, seven from United Socialists, one each from RPP and  Federal Socialist Party, Nepal in the Provincial Assembly. , which is more than required.

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