Phanindra Devkota denied entry into Gandaki province assembly

Pokhara: Gandaki province MP Phanindra Devkota, who was reinstated into the office by the verdict of Supreme Court, has been barred from entering Parliament. Devkota, who reached the parliament building, was stopped by marshals before entering the lobby.

Devkota said that although he had already informed the Parliament Secretariat about his arrival, his entry was not facilitated. He said, " I had informed the Speaker, the Chief Minister among others to assist my entry but the marshal stopped me while entering the meeting room."

Parliament meeting is going on now. Devkota is preparing to return. The Supreme Court had issued an interim order saying that the Maoists will not be able to take action against Devkota until further orders. With the order of the court, his parliamentary position has been reinstated.

According to the staff of the Parliament Secretariat, the letter of the interim order has arrived at the Parliament Secretariat.

"The letter from the court has arrived. But, it's Speaker's say inside the parliament. We could not do anything," said an employee. He further added, "Fanindra Devkota should have been allowed entry today."

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