People throng RTI clinic in Doti

Doti -Visitors interested in right to information (RTI) have swarmed the RTI support clinic set up by the Forum of Media for Development and Change in the ongoing Provincial Fair at Doti. 
The FMDC has been providing information on various topics related to RTI to the visitors, including reading materials from the stall. 
"I got information on the process of seeking information on matters of public interest from public bodies and the related Acts and Regulations," Chief of the Mudhegaon health post, Prem Kathayat, said adding that this was very useful for him as he was looking for reference materials on this topic and got them all. 
More than 400 of all the people visiting the fair took information from the RTI clinic on Saturday, it is stated. 
Mayor of Silgadhi Municipality Manju Malasi, inaugurating the RTI clinic, said that the counseling services provided from the clinic would be very helpful to the people in the context of the general public not getting access to the information of public bodies. She also committed to establishing good governance and transparency in the Municipality services. 
People's representatives, officials of local level bodies and province government offices, journalists, civil society representatives and members of the general public were present in the inauguration session. 
FMDC has been running a mutual accountability project in Doti district under which it conducts various activities for making the public bodies accountable and the role of the civil society and organisations effective. (Photo available) 

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