New Provision in JSP

Age limit of 70 years, Office bearers cannot hold same position for more than two terms

KATHMANDU, June 26: Group discussions have started in the ongoing Statute convention of the Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP) Nepal. After the opening session of the convention that started on Sunday at the Nepal Academy Hall, JSP Chairman Upendra Yadav started presenting the draft statute.

Due to the lack of time, Chair Yadav presented the draft statute only today. 10 groups have been made for the discussion of the presented draft.

The spokesperson of JSP, Manish Suman, said that one leader of each group will discuss the draft statute and present their views on the statute tomorrow.

He said that based on the suggestions from the leaders of the group, the statute will be amended and passed and the statute convention will end tomorrow on the 27th of June.

In the new statute, JSP has set an age limit of 70 years for members of the party, so any person older than that cannot be elected as the office bearer of Central, Provincial, national, or District level committees.

The same person also will not be able to hold the same position in the party for more than two terms, as stated in the statute.

Similarly, there is a provision that to be elected as a representative in the National Convention and to be a candidate for a member of the Central Committee, one must have worked as an organized party member for at least 10 years. However, only 7 years have been specified in the case of caste/community inclusive and women.

However, it is mentioned in the draft statute that in the case of a person who joined the party after leaving another party, the mandatory provision regarding the period of party members will not be applicable for the position of any committee and body to be a representative of the convention or congress for the first time.

It is also mentioned in the draft statute that a person who has attained the qualifications of a member of the Central Committee and has practical knowledge of financial administration and auditing matters will be eligible to be an office bearer and member of the Central Accounts Commission.

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