Airspace devastated by covid pandemic returns to normal

KATHMANDU, Dec. 31: The aviation sector, which was devastated by the Global pandemic; the coronavirus, has started to return to normal again. According to the Civil Aviation Authority, domestic and international flights have been completely affected since 2019 due to the pandemic. Which is now back to normal.
The director general of the authority, Pradeep Adhikari, said that the airport has returned to normal. He said, "After the vaccination campaign against the pandemic in 2021, the aviation sector has returned to normal." The authority expects that it will improve further in the days to come.
In 2021, a total of 14 lakhs 56 thousand 929 passengers traveled from Tribhuvan International Airport. Which number increased sharply in 2022. By November 2022, the number of international passengers has increased by 102 percent to 29 lakhs 45 thousand 540. And the number of passengers for one month of this year has yet to be added.
Likewise, in 2021, 35 lakhs 76 thousand 883 people traveled internally in Nepal. The authority said that domestic air travel has also increased rapidly. By November 2022, the number of domestic passengers has reached 56 lakhs 68 thousand 941, which is the number of trips made from Tribhuvan International Airport and Gautam Buddha International Airport.
The number of international airports becomes 3
The number of international airports in Nepal's aviation sector, which has been held by Tribhuvan International Airport for a long time, has reached 3. Earlier, Tribhuvan International Airport was the only center of domestic and international air flights. However, this year Gautam Buddha International Airport came into operation as the second international airport from 2nd Jeth 2079.
Eight months after the second international airport came into operation, the third international airport came into operation. The regional international airport built in Pokhara will be officially operational from Sunday, tomorrow. With the inauguration by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda', the airport will be officially operational. With this, there will be three international airports in the country.

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