Dengue not behind Saha's death-Public Health Office

Baniyani (Jhapa) - The Jhapa District Public Health Office has clarified that dengue so far has not caused any death in Jhapa. 

Umesh Saha, 40, of Birtamodh municipality-4, Birtabazaar, who supposedly died of dengue infection, breathed his last due to other reasons, said Resource Person of Jhapa District Public Health Office, Kul Bahadur Poudel. 

"There was other reason rather than dengue behind the demise of Saha", he said, adding, "We will further investigate into the death incident". 

According to Birta Health Clinic Operator Brajesh Kumar Mehata, Saha had turned up to the clinic on Sunday with chest pain. "Gastritis was diagnosed after his health examination", he said, adding that, "We had recommended taking him to B&B Hospital for further treatment after Saha did not see any improvement in his health". 

Saha died on the way to hospital in want of further treatment, Mehata added. "We did not detect any infection of dengue behind his death", Mehata further said. 

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