Employee adjustment bill passed

Kathmandu - A meeting of the Legislature-Parliament today passed the 'Employees Adjustment Bill, 2074 BS' by a majority. 

Minister for General Administration Tek Bahadur Basnet, informing the parliament about the main features of the bill, urged the parliament to pass the bill as it provides for the adjustment of the employees in line with the federal set-up and the constitution. 

In the meeting, lawmakers Jeevan Pariyar, Chudamani B.K. Jungalee, Dilli Prasad Kafle, Meena Pun, Prem Suwal, Ramhari Subedi, Ramhari Khatiwada, Rabindra Adhikari and Rukmini Chaudhary called for making provision in the bill requiring that all the government employees should go to the places where the government has assigned them to. 

They also suggested incorporating a provision in the bill whereby the employees would be required to have only one trade union and not several unions on party line. 

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