Two Belauri-based banks close for a week

Kathmandu - Branches of two banks based in Belauri municipality-4, Belauri Bazaar have been closed down for a week from today after a bank staff diagnosed with coronavirus infection The Shreepur branches of the Bank of Kathmandu (BOK) and the Rastriya Banijya Bank have shut their operations for a week. With the diagnosis of the virus on an employee of BOK in course of the PCR test, the Rastriya Banijya Bank adjacent to BOK has also been shut in view of transmission threat.

Belauri municipality-4 ward chair Arjun Dhakal said the operations of the branches of both the banks have been closed until results of PCR tests of other employees coming in contact with the diagnosed employee are received. He further shared that the BOK employee had developed fever after returning from Kathmandu.

“We urged the banks’ branches to close their operations until the results of PCR tests of other employees are received following the bank staff tested positive for COVID-19”, he added. However, the coronavirus-infected is said to be in normal health condition. Other employees who came in touch with the infected employee are in quarantine.

Issuing a notice, Rastriya Banijya Bank Shreepur branch manager Mahesh Raj Bhatta said the branch operations will remain closed until the PCR tests of other employees are made and results are obtained. However, the ATM service will remain opened for the customers.

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