Bharatpur metropolis operates isolation centre

Kathmandu - Bharatpur Metropolitan City has launched a COVID-19 isolation centre in cooperation with the Yogi Naraharinath Yoga and Naturopathy today. The isolation centre set up at the Homeopathy Office of Bharatpur Metropolitan City-1 has 75 beds. Inaugurating the centre amid a function, Mayor Renu Dahal said the infected people in the first phase would be treated through yoga and naturopathy. "The infected people within the metropolis will be prioritised.

The service will be extended to other area as per need," she said. She urged one and all to extend a helping hand in the management of infected people. The metropolis bears expenses on repair, food and other technical aspects while the hospital manages yoga, meditation and treatment for the infected people. Five buildings of the hospital house isolation wards. The infected people who have not shown symptoms would be treated through naturopathy at the hospital, said the hospital chief Dr Hemraj Koirala, adding that the infected people would be administered natural diet, yoga, meditation and exercise.

Fifteen health workers are available for the care of the infected people. On the occasion, saying that the State government would provide help in the management of the isolation centre, State Assembly member Bijaya Subedi said initiatives were taken in expanding the service to other areas inside and outside the district. Four municipalities in East Chitwan have established isolation wards at Ratnanagar and Madi. So far, 626 infection cases have been found in the district.

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