48 domestic flights to be resumed from August 15

Kathmandu - CB Adhikari Different airlines would resume 48 domestic commercial flights every day from August 17. Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), the regulatory body, has granted permission for 48 commercial flights going to be resumed after around five months of lockdown. Airlines companies have accelerated preparation for internal flights for the same.

Big airlines companies like Buddha Air, Yeti Air and Shree Air have been making special preparation for operation of flights strictly adhering to the health safety protocols. Some airlines have already got permission from CAAN for operation of flights and have also prepared the flight schedule. However, the Authority has not reached any formal decision in this regard.

Spokesperson at Airlines Operators Association, Yograj Kandel Sharma, shared that the authority has granted permission for 48 flights at trunk route for the time being. Flights of helicopter would be added. Market Director of Buddha Air, Rupesh Joshi, said all the preparations for resumption of flights have been made and has announced ticket booking.

Buddha Air would decrease its flight in the first -phase of flights after lockdown despite around 100 flights every day in normal situation. Similarly, Yeti Airlines has got permission for 11 flights. It has been carrying out practice after getting health protocol approved for safe flight.

Air Safety Chief and Spokesperson of Yeti Airlines, Sudarshan Bartaula, said the airlines would make 11 flights every day in the beginning, adding that there is a plan to add more flights gradually as per the situation. Likewise, Shree Air has been carrying out rehearsal for safe flights and all preparations to resume flights from August 15, said Anil Manandhar, Manager of the Yeti Air.

The Air would operate eight flights every day. An agreement has been reached between Authority and Air Service Providers to provide service to only 350 passengers per hour at the airport. Flights would be resumed from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm in first week.

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