PM Deuba visits UML Chair Oli

KATHMANDU, Jan 8: Prime Minister and President of the Nepali Congress (NC) Sher Bahadur Deuba reached Balkot, in Bhaktapur earlier this morning to hold discussion with the Chairman of the main opposition party CPN-UML, KP Sharma Oli.

A meeting of the ruling alliance held on Friday had urged PM Deuba to initiate meetings with Oli and find a solution to the continuous obstruction of the opposition party in parliament. Following the meeting, PM Deuba has reached Balkot to discuss and find a solution to the house stalemate with UML Chair Oli.

According to Govinda Pariyar, the press advisor of PM Deuba, two leaders held discussions about house obstruction and its solution.

PM Deuba also urged Oli for solidarity in parliament regarding the ratification of the Millennium Corporate Challenge (MCC) compact. 

The main opposition party, CPN-UML has been continuously obstructing the house proceedings and meetings accusing Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota of supporting leader Madhav Kumar Nepal to register a new party after the UML took action against him and his followers.

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