NEA incurs loss of over Rs 7.5 million in Kanchanpur storm

Kanchanpur– A powerful storm that hit Kanchanpur, the district in Far West State, with its neighbour Kailali, a few days ago, caused a loss of over Rs 7.5 million to the Nepal Electricity Authority as it largely damaged electric poles, cables and transformers here.

The NEA Mahendranagar distribution said the wind brought down electric poles along with transformers and snapped cables, putting the loss at over Rs 7.5 million.

The wind let down 174 poles at Raikwar Bichawa of Krishnapur municipality alone, while 100 at Bhimdatta municipality, 150 at areas covered by the Belauri distribution centre, 35 at Shuklaphanta and 30 at Bedkot municipality. It damaged two transformers.

The repairing works are going on in full swing. Electricity supply to major market areas and rural areas has been already restored.

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