Unavailability of public vehicle services in night toughens job holders

Kathmandu–Manita Neupane who was serving a clinic at Mahalaxmithan had quit her job some months ago. She had to get away from job when it was difficult to have regular vehicle service to return home from clinic after 8.00 pm.

Neupane recalled that she either had to take taxi service or to request for lift to reach home after work in the evening. Neuapne went on saying that she was not comfortable for seeking company of unknown people in the night time.

She was disappointed to quit satisfactory job due to unavailability of vehicle in the night time. "It was always fearful to return home on vehicle with unknown people, especially during the night time. Family members also used to get panicked".

Sunita Dulal of Tathali Bhaktapur also narrated the same story. She was also panicked to not get vehicle to return home after completing evening duty at the office.

She works at a private organization at Bagbazar in Kathmandu and moves to home from office at 6.00 pm. "I am always worried of returning home.

People coming to office from farther areas are troubled to return home in lack of reliable vehicular service in the evening and night time". Passengers are facing troubles when there has been no operation of night bus services in the Kathmandu Valley.

Getting vehicular service from city area to outskirt of Kathmandu in the evening time is a far cry. ---

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