Sarlahi– Cash Rs 1.5 million was robbed from AAS Department Store located in the central part of the main market in district headquarters, Malangwa.
A group of six robbers had theft the money from the counter of the store operated by local Shanker Chaudhary on Wednesday, confirmed the District Police Office, Sarlahi.
According to the CTV footage, first the robbers had lifted the shutter and entered into the store and fled the scene after robbing cash from the counter, informed Gopal Chandra Bhattarai, Superintendant of Police (SP).
The footage also revealed that the group of six persons was involved in the theft. The footage also showed the group was entering to Indian Territory through the path of Gorakhkali after robbing the cash, shared SP Bhattarai.
Police have started investigation into the robbery, he said. Store Proprietor Shanker Chaudhary said the cash meant for payment to wholesalers was robbed from the counter. ---
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