University teachers on agitation

Bhimduttanagar– Teachers from the central campus of Sudurpaschim University based in Bhimduttanagar, Kanchanpur have staged agitation protesting recent recruitment of human resource on daily wages. 

The teachers launched the struggle against central campus chief Dr Bhupendra Bista’s unilateral move of appointing 20 human resources in different departments of the campus 

Drawing a conclusion that the recent move has breached the university process and practice, the agitating teachers undert he banner of University Teachers’ Association warned that they would not stop their stir till the the decision related to appointment was not withdrawn. 

Association Coordinator Yagya Raj Pathak demanded scrapping of the illegitimate decision for appointment and resignation of the campus chief Dr Bista. 

“The chief appointed human resources secretly even without providing opportunity for interested applicants to submit their applications’, he added. --- 

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