Irregular power supply hits life in Nepalgunj

Banke –western city of Nepalgunj was affected for lack of regular power supply for a week now. 

As the power supply was irregular during day and evening hours, the industries and businesses have suffered while publication of newspapers was also affected, a local businessman Dipak Kathayat said. 

“There is no certainty when the power is regular. Neither the work is completed nor the people have sound sleep due to power disruption,” he bemoaned. 

Likewise, the central committee member of Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) Krishna Prasad Shrestha said that the industrial and business firms have witnessed huge loss after the irregular power supply. The regular power supply is not ensured despite repeated efforts, he shared. 

Power supply is disrupted upto eight hours a day after the shortfall in power from the central transmission line, Chief of Nepal Distribution Centre of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Ramdular Yadav said. He added that power supply from the central transmission line was halted due to ongoing regular maintenance works in the power house of the Kali Gandaki Hydropower Project. 

The current demand of Banke district is as high as 22 megawatt per day but the supply is limited to just 15 megawatt including 10 megawatt imported from India, according to Yadav. 

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