Swargadwari airport construction plan unveils

Pyuthan – A plan with an estimated cost of Rs 770 million was unveiled for the construction of Swargadwari (Chalnetar) Airport in Pyuthan. 

Acting on a proposal of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, Fact Consultant Pvt Ltd – a consultant company carried out an environmental impact assessment of the project and informed the public about its findings. 

In addition, a public hearing was also undertaken in the project site. The airport under construction at Barjiwang Chalnetar of Swargadwari municipality is stretched over around 60.79 hectares land. 

According to the assessment, the project construction will affect 14 households including 12 from Chalnetar and two from Upper Damar and render 107 family members displaced from the area. 

Environment Impact Assessment team leader Dr Mahendra Nath Subedi said around 6,256 saplings of different 18 species will be ruined while pooling 55.18 hectares forest land in course of the project construction. 

He shared that 0.4 hectares of residential area and other structures will be permanently affected. immediately after the disclosure of EIA report, the residents of the project potential affected areas said they would not abandon their residential area without proper compensation. 

The project has estimated total construction cost of Rs 770 million from which around 158.8 million has been allocated for environmental impact mitigation and monitoring. --- 

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