Ratnanagar Municipality to assess results of school midday meals scheme

Ratnanagar, Chitwan – The Ratnanagar Municipality in Chitwan has far spent over Rs 1.3 million for the operation of school midday meals programme for nursery students of community schools at the local-level. 

The scheme has been in effect since mid-December last year. The Municipality is awaiting its results to decide whether or not to continue the scheme in the upcoming fiscal year. 

According to Municipality mayor Narayan Ban, the programme covers 877 students of 32 schools. Each school gets Rs 15 daily per student to manage midday meals for small children. The programme aims to increase the number of students in the community schools. 

The impact of the programme will be reviewed to decide whether to extend in the upcoming year, according to Municipality education section chief Rajendra Prasad Baral. If the number of students in grade one is found to be increased, then the programme will be continued, otherwise, it will be withdrawn. 

Some schools, however, have complained that the amount given for the midday meal is not sufficient. As they say, an increase in the amount is necessary to provide nutritious food for children.

School midday meals programme has been implemented in the rural schools as well, targeting children from the Chepang community. It seems that small students prefer to come to schools regularly due to availability of free tiffin. --- 

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